Don’t Forget to Test Your Backflow Device
Backflow is a hazardous situation that can threaten the safety of the public water supply. A backflow condition may arise when very low or negative street pressure occurs due to water main breaks, hydrants knocked over, etc.
The danger arises when there is a connection to the water source where water can be drawn back into the pipes. Backflow prevention devices must be used to stop such contaminants from potentially entering the public water system. The law requires ALL backflow devices to be tested every 12 months by a New York State Certified Backflow Tester and the results need to be filed with the Port Washington Water District, as well as the Nassau County Department of Health. The form must be completed in its entirety otherwise it will be rejected.
Also, if you are installing a new underground irrigation system, YOU MUST CONTACT THE PORT WASHINGTON WATER DISTRICT FIRST regarding requirements and must receive approval before starting the new irrigation system.
Additionally, licensed plumbers or sprinkler/irrigation contractors are also knowledgeable about these mandatory requirements.
Click here to download the list of Nassau County Certified Backflow Testers
For more information about Backflow, call our office at: (516) 767-0171.