Current Projects
Beacon Hill Water Tank – Standing Tall in Port Washington
As many residents may already be aware from previous community meetings and communications, Port Washington Water District successfully replaced the Beacon Hill water tower in November 2018. The previous water tower reached the end of its useful life and a full tank replacement was determined to be the best and most cost-effective option for the community. The tank replacement project will safeguard the continued health, safety and sustainability of the District’s water supply and distribution system.
Water tanks designed today are more resilient, easier to maintain and better equipped to optimize water pressure during times of peak demand and fire emergencies.
The Board of Commissioners appreciates the cooperation and understanding of the community.
For additional updates on the Beacon Hill Water Tower project, and previous communications, click on the information below:
Public Hearing Presentation (PDF)
Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
Beacon Hill Water Tower Improvement Project – Fact Sheet (PDF)